Authors' Notes

Author's notes

Hundreds of books detail systems of belief and concepts for positive living. We have included a sampling of these books in the bibliography. Some books shaped our lives and belief more than others. We found many of the same useful concepts repeated over and over. This book is a quick reference to 42 common ideas and themes for having a fun life.  In our readings, we were often frustrated to find the concepts described at length without clear and simple suggestions on applying the concept in our lives. We want to simplify the path we have taken by summarizing what we have learned.  We want to share the methods we use to implement the teachings and lessons we read time and again. We want to make it easier for you to achieve what you want in your life.  We listed the common teachings and described each idea briefly. Each concept is summarized on one page and complimented by a "try this" idea.  Brevity and self validating exercises are guiding principles behind Quick Fix. The way you lead your life must work for you. You make the changes you need to be happier and more successful. You validate which exercises work for you by seeing results and positive changes in your life.

We have used "God", "Higher Power", "Infinite Intelligence", "the force" interchangeably in this book.  Hopefully you have a personal relationship with God. If you do, then substitute whatever word or belief you have for our words. Much of this book is about recognizing and using a personal relationship with your higher power. Your life has purpose. You have the ability to determine your success and affluence through your relationship with God, your higher power.  God is within you. You have infinite power and intelligence available to you.

Read the book any way you want.  You can read it straight through in about 3 hours. It’s a good idea.  The topics are by their nature interrelated.  There are more ideas for change than just the “Try This” sections. It takes time and effort on your part to change your life.  Read a page each day to remind you of the basic concept and maybe act as a jumping off place to pull another book and study the concept in more detail.  Spend a few minutes and just skim a few “Try This” sections and see if you remembered them or have tried them.  Look in index and read all the pages pertaining to one of the central concepts like “visualization” or “prayer”. We hope the format is flexible and entertaining.

We wish everyone a path of joy and a life of happiness.

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