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Ask for what you want from God

What is prayer? One component of prayer is to give thanks for what you have. Another component of prayer is to ask God for what you want. Do you think it's fair to ask God for things? God wants you to be happy and prosperous. Only you know what makes you happy and when you feel prosperous. For God to know what you want, you have to ask. You have to pray in an effective way. God is in each one of us. Whatever you believe your higher power to be, believe that it, s/he, the infinite intelligence is with you always. Your responsibility is to ask your higher power for help and then to have faith that your prayer will be answered. You have to ask for what you want.

Pray with purpose - for results.

The way you can judge if your prayer is answered is to ask yourself, "Was my prayer answered?" Trust your personal experience to determine what works for you. Great teachers and prophets have explained how to pray so that God will hear you. If God hears you, your prayers will be answered. The formula is: pray as if what you are praying for is already happening. Pray so that you feel your prayer at an emotional level. Have faith that God has heard your prayer and expect your prayers to be answered. Put another way, the formula is: conscious self prays, subconscious self, lower self, becomes involved at an emotional level and higher self changes reality to match your desire. You must engage your whole person. You must consciously pray. Pray with such strength, desire and intensity that your subconscious feels your prayer. Your higher self, or God, has infinite power and resources to make your prayers come true.

Pray for what you want and let God figure out how to get you there. You pray for where you want to go and for what you want. God may choose a path for you that is not even understood by you. That’s where faith comes in. You pray what you want and let your higher power choose the path.

Try this:

Form the words of your prayers in the present. Praying, "I am healthy wealthy and wise." is a completely different prayer than "I pray for health, wealth and wisdom". The first prayer engages your subconscious with a thought pattern "I am". The second prayer has an implied thought pattern of "Sometime in the future - maybe". Your subconscious wants clear and simple thought patterns. Your subconscious is not "smart" it's emotional. Your subconscious has a direct link to God. Pray so that you raise emotion in your selves.

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