three selves - p 3

Self, lower self, higher self

The conscious you,

What do you think is reality? Is reality the trees out your door and the walls of your house and the clothes that you wear and the water you drink? These things are of course real; you can use your senses to experience them. We all experience emotions too. Joy, sadness, anger, excitement, and fear are some of the emotions we feel. You no doubt agree that your emotions and feelings are real. Most of us believe reality is a twenty-four hour day and a three dimensional world. Is it possible that there is a hidden world that is available to us? In a perfect world would we have suffering and hurt and hate? Do you believe everyone is truly equal and that you deserve all the riches you want? How much control do you have over the unseen forces of the universe to control and influence your conscious life? Let’s explore the subconscious as a vehicle for understanding more about reality, emotions, and God, your higher self.

The subconscious - dreams prove your duality

An experience we all share that confirms a subconscious is dreaming. Where do dreams come from and why are they like they are? Some dreams obviously come from experiences and stresses out of “real” life. Many dreams seem quite random in their origin and in the way they unfold. Emotions are real. What about the same emotions experienced in a dream? When you are dreaming and you feel happy in the dream is that real? When you wake up you may say to yourself or someone, “It was only a dream.” When you’re dreaming, the happiness or the fear, the emotion is real. When you’re dreaming, the experience is real at that moment. At some time during your awake experience, you may have thought, “I remember dreaming this” or “that’s the way I felt during that dream.” Perhaps one of your dreams “comes” to you during the day and you remember how you felt or acted in the dream. Is there any difference between the joy felt in a dream and the joy felt by your conscious self? Same person, same brain, same life experiences. Dreams are another reality because they are real when they are happening. You can fly or instantly transport yourself to another part of the world. You can’t do that in our three dimensional reality. It’s still real. You really were flying; weren’t you? You can learn to interact with your dreams, your subconscious. Perhaps when you were dreaming, you made yourself wake up. Perhaps you were dreaming and told the attacking Indians or scary witch to go away because it was your dream and you didn’t want them there. We can strengthen our abilities to interact with our whole selves.

Try this:

Keep a journal of your dreams. Try and remember what happened and how it made you feel. Listen to your inner voice. Next time the voice inside your head says, “Don’t leave that there, you’ll forget where you put it.”, don’t leave it there. If you do leave it there and when you finally find it, make the connection that your inner voice tried to help you. It takes practice to develop and use our complete selves. Do you want more help?

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