humor - p 12

Use Humor

Humor is another way to be happier. Laughter releases chemicals in the body called endorphins that boost our immune systems and calm our thinking. A little humor goes a long way toward keeping life's petty grievances in perspective. So what if someone spilled milk on the floor? Will it make a difference in the course of a lifetime? Will it significantly alter the course of history? Will you even remember it in fifteen years? Laughter releases tension. Choose to see the bright side of life- then you know what it is like to shine! Each smile you make or fake is a token of humor. Each smile you make or fake releases endorphins and you feel better. You can change the way you feel by smiling.

Sometimes life doesn’t have to be quite as serious as we make it.  Remember a time when you said, “It’s pretty funny now.”? Remember being in the middle of a situation and saying, “I bet when we look back on this, we laugh,”? If we can take a “hopeless” situation and envision it a little less hopeless, then that’s progress. Life doesn’t have to always be a melodrama. Maybe it’s a traffic jam, or the car won’t start or the cereal box is empty, and maybe it’s not really funny and yet there’s something fun there. You have a car. You have a job. You have a healthy family member that enjoyed the last of the cereal. Is the current obstacle or opportunity going to change your life? A year from now will it matter the cereal box was empty? Lighten your load by trying to see the lighter side of a situation or find a “pleasant” cause or a possibly fun result of your opportunities.

Try This:

Smile more and remember jokes. When you hear a “good” joke, write it in your journal. Tell another person right away. Jokes are a great way to bring out the lighter side of life. Lighten your load - tell more jokes.


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