act as if - p 25

Act as if

Act "as if" the way you want to be IS the way you are. It will become more and more comfortable until it is real. The acting will eventually be replaced by the genuine feeling and belief. For example, let’s say you are experiencing a down moment. Perhaps you are tired or hungry, the reason doesn’t really matter. We all get and have stimuli that are “negative”. What does matter is that you “act as if” you were more positive. Force yourself to smile. Act as if the jerk didn’t just cut right in front of you. You, the conscious logical you, can influence the way your other selves, especially your subconscious interprets the event. We’re not suggesting that you be fake or hide your feeling or emotions. We are suggesting you can choose to act as if and you will have the positive feelings or emotions that you want. Act until it’s real. The more you have a feeling, forced or spontaneous, the more you engage the infinite power of the universe. Then your reality changes and even the logical conscious you will see and know. When you see and know then you don’t have to act anymore. It’s a circle of life. You begin. Your subconscious emotes. Your higher self fulfills the desires of your subconscious, and then your reality is changed. Act happy and become happier.

Acting - a relationship tool

 “Acting-as-if” is a valuable relationship tool. Often times people that are close to us exhibit characteristics and mannerisms that are “unpleasant”. Perhaps your spouse isn’t as loving or thoughtful as you would like. Perhaps your children are not as industrious or organized as you would like. These stimuli can “make” you tired, frustrated, angry and wishing that things were different. Well what do you think would happen if you acted as if your spouse was the perfect lover and companion? Do you see how your “act” might actually help your spouse to be more attracted to you and consequently become a better lover or closer companion? The more friendly and loving you are; the more friends and love you will have.

Try This:

Force yourself to smile sometime when you don’t really feel like smiling. If you’re nervous, take a few minutes or seconds and act as if you’re confident and calm. You have to “force” yourself(s) to believe it. Did it work? The more you fake or make contentment, the more content you will be. The more affluent or rich you feel, the more affluent or rich you will become.

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