focus - p 29

You don’t have to understand it to use it - What is Dark Matter?

Scientific advancement is changing the way that we see and understand the world. Practically every day there is a discovery that changes or adds to the understanding of how the world works. It wasn’t that many years ago that most people thought the world was flat. Currently most people think of “empty space.” Most of us were taught in school and have seen on StarTrek that space is a cold dark vacuum. Scientists are using the Hubble telescope to explore the depths of space and literally look back in time to discover how the universe began. Astrophysicists have calculated all the stuff they can see and they couldn’t get the numbers to add up to the amount of stuff that evidence implied should be there. Recent discoveries point to the existence of what’s called dark matter. Apparently most of space is composed of something that we can’t exactly see and yet it is most of our universe. It controls the movement of the stars themselves. We are discovering more and more every day about how the world works. Maybe one day scientists will understand how prayer, belief, and faith work. Just because we don’t understand it, does that mean it doesn’t work? Do you understand how a car works? We still drive. Do we understand how we can think our words and out comes speech? We still talk. It’s the same with changing your life. You don’t have to understand the precise mechanics, to use God, your higher self, your inner strengths, to change your life.

Particle Physics and focused thought

With the advancement in electron microscopes and other scientific instruments, scientists are able to examine the basic building blocks of the world in more and more detail. We can crash electrons together. We can assemble strings of atoms. Groups of atoms are called molecules. H20 is the molecule water. Water is composed of 2 atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Atoms have basic parts; protons, neutrons, and electrons. These parts have parts: leptons, hadrons, and mesons. Quarks, neutrinos, and pions are examples of these particles. As you may imagine, observing and understanding these particles is very illusive. An interesting phenomenon is that the smallest of these particles is only visible when we look for them. Scientists must want to see the particles for them to appear. When they focus their attention on these sub-atomic particles and want to see the particles, then the particles appear. Perhaps this in some way explains how focusing your attention on what you want your world to be brings your wants and desires into being. Scientists are learning more and more about life. Scientists are becoming more and more capable manipulating life: cloning, DNA research, building atom by atom. Scientists may even one day discover how thought is related to the physical manifestation of thought. Let’s hope so because we will all be more effective in turning our thoughts into reality. Isn’t that what prayer is about? Until then, do what works for you.

Try this:

Use prayer, positive visualization, and your faith in God to get what you want.

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