synergy - p 27

Open honest communication - creates energy - synergy

What is energy? Can it really be created or destroyed? Do you think that scientists understand the true mechanics of the world? How does God fit into the creation of energy equation? Obviously these are questions that the great minds have pondered and debated for centuries. What matters for you is, “What do your life’s experiences tell you?”. Have you ever come away from a meeting or discussion and felt uplifted? The other side of the coin is a meeting or discussion that brought you down. As is our habit - let’s focus on the positive example. You spend time with someone or a group of people working or discussing a common opportunity or situation and you leave that meeting feeling good. You come away from the interaction energized. When you communicate in an open and honest way - you create energy. There is a Greek word, “synergy” that expresses this concept precisely. Synergy means the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects. Isn’t it fascinating that the Greeks knew about this creation of energy? Open and honest communication creates energy. The creation of energy requires people working together; you and another person or you in open and honest communication with your selves. The interaction must be such that it affects you at an emotional level. Conscious self has an experience, subconscious self elicits an emotion and supraconscious self effects change; in this instance the creation of energy. This energy adds to the Life Force available for us all.

Try This:

Be open and honest. Validate in your own life what is energizing and what drains your energy. You control your life and your interactions to create more of one opportunity and less of the other. Spend time with people that are energizing. Work at being up and positive with your selves. Be open and honest and enjoy synergy.

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