purpose - p 35

Contribution, Purpose, Service

What is your purpose in life? What are God's plans for you? What is it you can contribute as a service to others and the world?

Nature demonstrates a balance that ensures growth and survival in the world. There is a give and take visible in every interaction. The sun gives light and the clouds give rain so that the plants may grow. The plants give food to us all and shelter to some. The animals that eat the plants become food for each other and us. We, in turn, can protect the earth and animals.

Each of us has a unique combination of talents that we can contribute. Consider how interrelated all services are in our society. Farmers grow food we need. Mechanics keep his machinery working. Truckers deliver the farmer’s produce to market. Like all of us, farmers depend on bankers, doctors, grocers, and ministers.

What services are offered to you each day? We wake in the morning to find that the paper has been written, published, and distributed to our door. We have groceries in the house because the farmers produce was transported to the neighborhood store where the staff maintains it for our selection. We have something to wear because the cotton was picked, made into fabric, the clothes were designed, sewn, and, once again, delivered to our neighborhood. Thanks to our mechanics and service station attendants, our cars start in the morning. We have well maintained roads upon which to drive. Police officers and firefighters help to ensure that our homes are safe. Our children have access to education. Churches help meet our spiritual needs. The list goes on. The public health is protected by the sanitation worker who collects the garbage, the mother who feeds her family a balanced diet, the nurse who teaches wellness, or the doctor who treats his patients.

We all contribute to the whole. We add value to the lives of others and to our world. You were given your life to make a difference. We each contribute in our own way. The whole, your family, church, town, country, needs the combined efforts to flourish. Each of us is indispensable because our services, our contributions offer value.

Try this:

Take inventory of your accomplishments today, this month, this year, your life so far. Imagine what happened because of your contribution. Maybe you make beds in a hotel. Perhaps you contributed to a good night sleep for a person. Perhaps that person made a decision the next day that changed history. Impossible? Imagine the possibilities of your actions, your life. Recognize your contribution to your world. It’s a better place because of you and your efforts.


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