Index to Tennis Tips: updated May 28, 2024

45/35 45% of all shots in a match are a serve. 35% are return of serve
acceleration, in shots: slow then fast. Trash can full of water (as Edward)
angular momentum
anticipate, what is anticipation? How to improve yours.
A.P. Belt, helps you maintain an athletic position
“The Art of Doubles” by Pat Blaskower
athlete: Are you a tennis athlete. 3 tests to find out. Pat D video here
Attack Zone - in doubles
Australian, doubles formation

backboard: use garage door as one (and red balls (no dents))
backhand, one-handed, step back for power (not into the ball)
Backboard drill: three shot 
backswing, do a unit turn instead
ball toss
practice anywhere
bend (your knees on your serve) and for every other shot too
(play the ball after the)
bounce hit, great way to engage Self One (from Inner Tennis)
Bhupathi, Mahesh
Blaskower, Pat “The Art of Doubles” thanks for the “Wall” concept
BLUR: back, left, up, right
brush, up on the ball, see angular momentum

Cayer, Louis: Doubles Tactics videos at youtube
chest to the sky on our serve
cool down; after tennis stretch
code, USTA, 1: courtesy
code, USTA, 34: hindrance
connect with your partner
connect, touch, eyes, smile USPTA
consistency(placement, power)
cooperative game you can play with practice partners. Y’all against tennis
count (your steps)
courtesy is expected, the first principle of the Code (page 35) and tennis

Defense Zone - in doubles
Dougherty, Pat: great youTube Coach
drills, rules for "practice" games
drop and load, 2nd element of modern forehand
doubles, consistency - 90% rule
, first serve in
doubles, haf hic check list
doubles, responsibility Rick Macci for ad and deuce player (1 min video)
doubles, ritual - between point, connect
doubles, ritual - between point, game plan adjustments (see connect)
doubles, ritual - between point, plays
doubles, ritual - between point, positive
doubles, ritual - between point, share info
doubles, shot selection
doubles tactics, Louis Cayer, accept your responsibility to cover your share
doubles, watch opponents (don't turn around)
Dynamite Doubles by Helle Sparre Viragh

edge (of racket - attack with, practice anywhere)
edge drill video from Tomaz at Feel Tennis to correct waiter’s serve
emergency information / registration form
evaluate your game plan
execute  game plan, technique,
eye contact, as part of a after point doubles ritual

feel (the ball vs. touch)
feet first
feet, keep them moving Go to the 5 minute mark in this video
Feel Tennis, Tomaz  Mencinger GREAT VIDEOS at youtube
fencing skills to the net
find, the ball
fire and pull 3rd element of modern ground strokes
follow through practice anywhere
follow through relaxed full wrap
footwork, count your steps to quantify, after the bounce
forehands (to improve two-handed backhand)
formations, doubles: Australian, I, standard
four checkpoints of modern groundstroke
fun I P S

Gallwey, Tim: inner tennis, inner work
game plan, have one
green ball, the third ball in the ROG progression, 25% slower than a yellow ball
growing, learning, improving...

harder, second serve
, up on serve
hindrance, USTA code 34
hints-half page: doubles, mental, performance
hips, fire them in ground strokes
hip rotation 22 min video Tomaz

I formation, in doubles
, how-to
infinity, the distance above the net
inner game, Tim Gallwey's Inner game website click here
inside your house, use red balls for “safe” tennis
inside-out forehand, what why how where
Intesity Fun (not grim) relaxed excellence & concentration ,
IPS - Ideal Performance State


kinetic chain
knees, get down to the level of a chair

learning, comfort zone
learning, tennis as a vehicle
Loehr, Jim: full engagement, recovery, IPS,
lessons: no lines
load, the inside of your leg on the hitting side

Macci, Rick doubles response
mantra(of successful players)
mental: inner game, stay positive
mental error = any time you hit the ball into the net (choose infinity)
mental game, check list
Mencinger, Tomaz  at Feel Tennis instruction on you tube
middle, hitting down ..
“mine” mine mine, be like the seagulls in finding Nemo. At the net get everything
mini-tennis, as a dynamic stretch 2 videos added Feb 2019
mobility score
momentum, managing in a match
momentum, in your serve
movement, feet
movement = tennis (go the the 5 minute mark in this video)

name (show them yours)
negative emotion - don't do it. Power up the Positive video by Tomaz
Nester, Daniel
Net, your enemy. Every time you hit into the net is a mental error
Newton's 1st law
no man’s land, see Transition Zone which is a better name: hit and get out

observe, let your genetics do the work; read “Inner Tennis”
Oscar Wegner, one of the best YouTube coaches
Offense Zone - from where doubles games are won (especially when you attack)
open stance
open stance - 4 checkpoints
orange ball: the second ball in the ROG progression, 50% slower than a yellow ball

Pat Dougherty, one of the best youTube coaches
perfect Practice makes “perfect”
performance, check-list
physics, motion & states
, after consistency
placement, down the middle
play into practice, add a rule
playbook, doubles strategy
players contract
positive (behavior, body language)
poaching (clues, go for more)
power, after consistent, placement
practice tips, (one page)
practice, anywhere, any time
practice (with purpose)
pros, mimic their strokes
pull-back on your one-handed backhand for power (not step forward)
push, be a pusher

quick, hands
quiet, head

ready position, widen your stance
recovery, component of growth and learning
recovery, part of stroke
Red ball: the ball for ALL beginner players, 75% the speed of a yellow ball
red ball: use different, ROG, balls to improve your game
ritual, doubles: see doubles ritual
ritual, serve
ROG, Red Orange Green Yellow, 4 colors of tennis balls for different skill levels
Rose, Return of Serve Error (the double fault of the return game)

seagull, attitude of one from "Nemo"
serve, 45% of all the shots in tennis are the serve
serve, attack with edge of racket
serve, chest to the sky
serve, first serve in
serve, hit up
serve, hit second serve harder
serve, keep your head up
serve, ritual - use one
serve, momentum creates racket speed (not strength)
service motion, practice anywhere
serve, remain sideways for topspin serve
serve, seven  fundamentals: ritual, target, stance, grip, ball toss, swing path, momentum
Shaughnessy, James R. SCiO 3D Sports
shot selection, down the middle
shoulder over shoulder video Feel Tennis (serve move)
shoulder rotation
split step is really a split hop
squat all the time. Maintain an athletic power position. See the A.P. Belt
stretch, dynamic for a warm-up
stretch, static; after tennis
stress, necessary for growth, recover
strike zone (raise yours)
stroke, vs. touch: skin and ball
sword, parry your volleys

target, serve - all your strokes really
tennis, requires that you move your feet. Go to the 5 minute mark in this video
terminator (and workhorse) roles in doubles
three shot: cooperative gave to improve your most important strokes
tilt, hips to the net, chest to the sky
Tomaz Mencinger of Feel Tennis. One of the best instructors on YouTube
toss, bend, tilt at the same time on your serve
toughness (over talent and skill)
Transition Zone - a descriptive  name for “No man’s land”
Trust your strokes video by Tomaz
turn, drop, fire wrap = modern ground strokes
turn your wings 1st element of modern ground strokes

unit turn, instead of a backswing on groundstrokes and as volley preparation
upward velocity, of the racquet
USPTA connect article


wall, in doubles be the wall at the net:
warm-up and skills test
watch the ball, spin, label, seams, after the bounce
Wegner, Oscar: 2 Hour Tennis, GREAT YOUTUBE videos
wings, turn them for a unit turn with your elbows up
workhorse (and terminator) doubles roles
wrap and roll 4th element of the modern forehand
wrist movements: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction
wrist, use of: groundstrokes, serve, volley
World Tennis Number, ITF, LTA, USTA answer to UTR


yoga, poses for court stretching


Faulkner Tennis Center

Rules & the code

TriSail Tennis Tips


TenCap    UTR      WTN

Tennis Warehouse

Rankings (BBC Tennis)

NTRP ratings

Instruction - free site links

Books, video and accessories from Amazon
